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Roberts K, Rink B, Harabagiu SM. A flexible framework for recognizing events, temporal expressions, and temporal relations in clinical text [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013;20(5):867-875.
Uzuner Ö, Stubbs A, Sun W. Chronology of your health events: Approaches to extracting temporal relations from medical narratives [Internet]. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2013;46(Supplement):S1-S4.
Sun W, Rumshisky A, Uzuner Ö. Annotating temporal information in clinical narratives [Internet]. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2013;6(Supplement):S5-S12.
Jindal P, Roth D. Extraction of events and temporal expressions from clinical narratives [Internet]. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2013;46(Supplement):S13-S19.
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Chang Y-C, Dai H-J, Wu JC-Y, Chen J-M, Tsai RT-H, Hsu W-L. TEMPTING system: A hybrid method of rule and machine learning for temporal relation extraction in patient discharge summaries [Internet]. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2013;46(Supplement):S54-S62.
Jindal P, Roth D. Using domain knowledge and domain-inspired discourse model for coreference resolution for clinical narratives [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013;20(2):356-362.
See also: Post-challenge
Gooch P, Roudsari A. Lexical patterns, features and knowledge resources for coreference resolution in clinical notes [Internet]. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2012;45(5):901-912.
See also: Post-challenge
Uzuner Ö, Bodnari A, Shen S, Forbush T, Pestian J, South BR. Evaluating the state of the art in coreference resolution for electronic medical records [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):786-791.
Xu Y, Hong K, Tsujii J, Chang EI-C. Feature engineering combined with machine learning and rule-based methods for structured information extraction from narrative clinical discharge summaries [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):824-832.
Jonnalagadda SR, Li D, Sohn S, Wu S, Wagholikar K, Torii M, Liu H. Coreference analysis in clinical notes: a multi-pass sieve with alternate anaphora resolution modules [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):867-874.
Rink B, Roberts K, Harabagiu SM. A supervised framework for resolving coreference in clinical records [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):875-882.
Ware H, Mullett CJ, Jagannathan V, El-Rawas O. Machine learning-based coreference resolution of concepts in clinical documents. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):883-887.
Dai H-J, Chen C-Y, Wu C-Y, Lai P-T, Tsai RT-H, Hsu W-L. Coreference resolution of medical concepts in discharge summaries by exploiting contextual information [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):888-896.
Xu Y, Liu J, Wu J, Wang Y, Tu Z, Sun J-T, Tsujii J, Chang EI-C. A classification approach to coreference in discharge summaries: 2011 i2b2 challenge [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):897-905.
Bodnari A, Szolovits P, Uzuner Ö. MCORES: a system for noun phrase coreference resolution for clinical records [Internet]. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2012;19(5):906-912.
